After reading this article, many of you They think more than once, if it is' appropriate to share a photo of "your face" in "public" mode on any social network. Whilst it may be that even among the various sometimes unknown friends that we can 'be hiding a "funny guy" or a "prankster". "Fake app", infamy runs on the web! A specter is haunting the web. It's called "fake app" and is an application that allows you to paste videos on the face of famous actors and actresses. Example: Princess Leia in "Star Wars." The application was launched on reddit, social network where registered users can post content in the form of text post or link. A less controlled networks, such as Facebook. It was also used for political satire videos, such as the militant conservative Michele Bachmann, on which Hillary Clinton's face was mounted. The result came when began to circulate "fake porn" l
BERGAMO , LOMBARDIA 28 NOV - Ha confermato anche al gip di Bergamo la stessa ricostruzione dei fatti già fornita a carabinieri e pm la donna di 51 anni, Sandra Fratus , che venerdì notte aveva ucciso nella sua casa di Morengo il compagno Ernest Emperor Mohamed, 30 anni, di origine nigeriana: la donna, assistita dall'avvocato Vanessa Bonaiti, ha riferito di aver litigato per la scarsa qualità della cena e poi di aver colpito l'uomo, cercando poi di soccorrerlo.... continua a leggere vai all'articolo clicca qui